Story Behind The Song: I Worship You
I Worship You
Jesus I worship You
I adore You
I stand in awe of You
Of All that You are
You are worthy
Of all of the glory
Of all of the honor
Of all of the praise
Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty
Worthy, worthy are You
Jesus name above all
King of kings, Lord of lords
Blessing, wisdom, and power
Belong to You belong to You
On a Sunday morning in early 2022, we were coming out of a song called, “Worthy” and I began to sing the words that now make up the verses of “I Worship You.” This song began as what Paul calls in Ephesians 5 and Colossians 3, a spiritual song—a song that had not been previously written. For many, that is a relatively unknown, sometime uncomfortable phrase, but it is straight out of Scripture. Sam Storms defines spiritual songs as, “most likely unreleased and improvised, perhaps short melodies or choruses extolling the beauty of Christ. They aren’t prepared in advance but are prompted by the Spirit and thus are uniquely and especially appropriate to the occasion or the emphasis of the moment.” Spiritual songs are a result of the Spirit leading in a particular moment. Some call it spontaneous, it can also be understood as relational—the same way that when you’re in conversation with someone, you listen and respond to them instead of following a script. It is fun listening to and being led by the Holy Spirit. You may be thinking that this is a dangerous and maybe irresponsible way to lead. The truth is that the Holy Spirit will NEVER lead us contrary to the Scriptures. I can trust Him. I know Him and His voice. I enjoy singing what I hear the Father saying through His Spirit. He is faithful to lead us to worship Him the way He wants to be worshipped.
The chorus and the bridge came in times of worship at my home as I read and sang Scripture. I love to sing Scripture! I believe one of the most powerful things we can do is sing the Scriptures back to God. God’s word is alive and active. It’s sharper than any two edged sword and accomplishes what He sends it out to do (Hebrews 4:12, Isaiah 55:11). When we write songs using Scripture (in context), it is always true. If someone who does not believe in Jesus sings the chorus and bridge to this song it is still true. Belief in truth does not make it true. Whereas if they sang the first verse it may not be true. They may not adore God, but He is always worthy, holy, and has a name above all.
You will notice this song is to God. There is nothing wrong with singing about God or even about His blessings for us, but I believe we should primarily sing to Him. Since worship is for Him then our focus should be on Him. When I tell my wife that I love her I tell her directly. I don’t say it to everyone else in the room. I say it to her. In the same way, I want to sing to my Father. I want to declare that I believe what Scripture says about Him is true. He is holy, worthy, beautiful, lovely, and powerful.
The meaning of the song is based in Scripture and is very personal. Revelation 4 and 5 are precious to me. They are two of my favorite chapters in the Bible because they give us a glimpse of what pure worship looks like when created beings see the fullness of their Creator. I encourage you to read through these chapters. Take notice of how creation responds to the one true God. These created beings have never tasted life without God. Sin did not separate them from Him. How much more should I worship God for what He has done to save me? I was ripped away from Him by sin. Destined for eternal separation from the One I was created for. The Lover of my soul. Then the predestined moment in history came where God sent the long awaited Savior of the world, Jesus! He came and did what the flesh could not do. He destroyed the works of the devil and gave life to the dead! As I meditate on what Jesus did worship, adoration, praise, thanksgiving begin to rise up in me and I have to express it.
He is holy, holy, holy and worthy, worthy, worthy! He is the King of kings and Lord of lords! He is all wise and all powerful! He alone is God! I am in awe of Him and I adore Him! I love Him!
Much Love,
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